Likhith Bavisetti



mouse corsair

I'm a Computer Science student with experience as a Web developer, and I'm actively exploring Machine Learning alongside my web development projects.

In addition to web development, I am actively exploring the integration of Machine Learning into web applications, aiming to enhance user experiences and provide data-driven solutions.

Passionate about Frontend and Backend technologies.

I have a strong inclination for collaboration, enjoying the opportunity to work with others.


"It is my first responsive website which I had done in my first year of my BTech"

"Static Bootstrap responsive website with SASS "

"It is my first React App which I made using a framework called AntD in my second year of my BTech. It includes Redux- Toolkit.It displays the data and stats of all the top Crypto Currencies fetched from the API called Coinranking"

"OWASP VIIT is a web page which I designed for the OWASP STUDENT CHAPTER."

"Expense Tracker is a React Application where the data is collected dynamically and displayed on the screen. It has the component to display the expenses along with the year filters."

"Performed comprehensive data analysis on IPL match data, utilizing various statistical techniques and data visualization tools to uncover meaningful patterns, trends, and insights."

"Undertook an educational project, utilized web scraping techniques to extract data from restaurant websites,aggregating details such as names, ratings, prices, and website URLs"

"The objective of this project is to develop a blockchain-based eVault system for legal records. The system aims to ensure security, transparency, and accessibility for all stakeholders"

What I know
